What Gear Do I Carry Onboard My Vessel? 

I know this is something not many are going to read or want to know about, but i just wanted to show how much sea safety gear i carry, and how important ocean safety is to me and how important it should be to you! I understand how expensive some of this boating gear can be, but in my opinion i think your life is worth alot more than the money this marine equipment costs. If you ever got into a dangerous or life threatening position out in those cruel waves, this marine equipment can almost certainly save you life! If you are serious about marine activities, then you should make an investment and buy at least some of this marine safety gear! Below are the three categories i've split it into, covering everything i think should be taken boating.

Download & Printable Version's:

Clothes Worn And Taken To Sea.pdf Clothes Worn And Taken To Sea.pdf
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Type : pdf
Safety Equipment Carried.pdf Safety Equipment Carried.pdf
Size : 48.514 Kb
Type : pdf
Other Gear And Documents.pdf Other Gear And Documents.pdf
Size : 35.58 Kb
Type : pdf

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