Below are other general marine safety items, marine documents and just general, random items you may want to take safe boating. Most of the below marine safety items and documents are in the boat checklist i have wrote for you to use, download and print. This is not a maritime list of powerboat equipment or a boat safety checklist but more a maritime list with descriptions of the general documents and random items you may need or want to take out boating, which i do take boating - for maximum powerboat safety, fun and easy boating with no glitches. 

So here's my maritime list of other general safety equipment for boating, documents and licence's for maximum powerboat safety at sea. 

Proof Of Insurance 

When you brought your Boat, you probably wanted it for fun, and in your mind, insurance is not fun. But it is a legal requirement just like a vehicle on the road! It is very important and should defiantly be on your checklist for boating (As it is in my boaters checklist that i have wrote for you) You may be asked to show your proof of boating insurance at anytime, so it's always best to carry it. 



Radio License 

 The Telecom's Act of 1996 permits recreational boaters to not have or use a VHF marine radio, EPIRB, and marine radar without having an FCC ship station license. All you need to do to get a radio license is pay out a little and do a radio course and a radio test at a registered site/organisation. This is also in my boat checklist that i have wrote/made for you!


Maritime Radio Operators Certificate Of Competence

 Is given to anyone who has  completed certain national boating licenses or has passed an exam/test to prove the necessary competence for recreational marine craft. 



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Tide Book

Always a handy thing to carry. A very simple, handy and cheap table of tides for your area. Can be brought in most off-licenses in a boating area or in any marine shops. As it shows on the picture, these table's are not very much, ussualy around £1.50 and can be very usefull when planning a trip out on the boat, or for judging the tides and when you can get out of your marina.  


Compass, Charts And Maps 

Like i have said before, A good working compass, charts and maps are essential equipment. If your Marine navigation system goes down in the middle of the sea, at least you have a back up, that cant run out of power or have a fault.  


Tools - Eg. Spanners, Screw drivers and alan keys (various sizes) 

Tools, one of those things that you just need, you don't know when, where or what for, but your inevitably one day going to need them. You can get some good kits these days to for less than £15 carrying just a few essential tools. 

Spare Fuel And Oil 

Your not always going to need spare full, not if your boat holds 60L and your just going for a bit of water skiing, but its a good thing to carry on those long trips out, or if you don't know how long your going to be out on the sea for, after all you don't want to have to come ashore early on the nicest day of the year, because you have no fuel left. 

Boating Tow Rope 

A Good, Trust, Cheap Marine Tow Rope. You may never need it, but most probably one day you will, either for your self or for another vessel, either way its just a good thing to carry, that may one day be needed in an unfortunate situation.


Just another cheap tool. Good in almost all situations in the dark, maybe even needed for safety one day, to let another ship know your there. I would recommened a good, solid, trust LED torch. Very bright and Very trust worthy as it has more than one LED, it has back up! 

WaterProof Otter Box 

Not essential, but very useful to put your brand new iphone in and your house keys, afterll you wouldn't want to drop them in the water. Otter boxes are also very solid and have a foam covering on the inside for that extra protection.  

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