Towing a boat trailer behind a car is not that hard, but takes a bit more concentration and thought than usual driving without a trailer on tow. Below is just a few tips for hitching up, towing forwards and reversing with a trailer.

Warning: These boat trailering tips are for people wanting to know about how to tow a small boat trailer.

 Hitching Up and General Boat Towing Tips

Warning: You may want to check the trailer towing laws before you start towing a boat trailer.

  • Fit extension mirrors if required - Usually with boats wider than the vehicle your driving.
  • Double check: 1) The jockey wheel has been raised and wound up securely for travel, when the trailer is hitched up to the vehicle. 2) That the trailers tow hitch is securely and properly connected to the vehicles tow bar. 3) That all electrical wires are plugged in and tail light board is working correctly. 4) Ensure the number plate on the trailer is securely in place and matches that off the plate on the vehicle.
  • Finally - Make sure anything on or inside the boat is secured down to the boat and won't fall or fly off in the wind.

 Towing/Driving Forwards With A Trailer

  • Take corners wider than usual - Drive further before turning to go around a corner, or else the trailer will cut the corner and go up the kirb or maybe clip a wall!
  • Brake more gently and keep it smooth.
  • Remember  - You cant use the third outside lane on the motor ways.

 Trailer Reversing

This is where the fun starts, reversing a trailer requires a bit practice and a lot of patience to get right but it is worth it. The main thing, is to understand and get a grip of what happens when you try to reverse a trailer. When you are driving forwards and you steer a car, it pivots at the rear and the front end swings round. The same thing happens when you reverse.

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