Maritime Safety Info

Boating Safe, is a high priority... everybody should care about safety when boating and small boat safety! To have the maximum amount of safety you should do many things including - Having a boat checklist (I have made one for you to use Here), Wear the right Boating Wear and Sea Clothing(My favourite Outfits are Here), Carry the correct Safe Boat Equipment and Safety Equipment for Boating (A list of what I take is Here), You can also read my Marine Tips - Boating General Tips and Boating Safety Tips.


Small Boat Safety On The Sea 

You should also take a safety boat course, on these course's they will show you all the basics to boating, handling a boat, what to do in the event of an emergency, with things like distress signals boating etc.  

Below are some pdf. files from the rya website covering a few topics from their Safety Infomation Page

Buoyancy Aids And Lifejackets.pdf Buoyancy Aids And Lifejackets.pdf
Size : 28.133 Kb
Type : pdf
Sea Sense.pdf Sea Sense.pdf
Size : 21.896 Kb
Type : pdf
Fishing Gear Entanglements.pdf Fishing Gear Entanglements.pdf
Size : 22.074 Kb
Type : pdf
The disposal of Out of Date flares.pdf The disposal of Out of Date flares.pdf
Size : 302.791 Kb
Type : pdf
Disposing of Out of Date flares.pdf Disposing of Out of Date flares.pdf
Size : 26.459 Kb
Type : pdf

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