Boat Handling Tips

Handling a boat 

Powerboat handling can be tricky at times and takes a bit of practice, but it is one of the skills you must learn if you want to have a good time while boating with great safety. Small boat handling is a big point and knowing how to handle your boat is a great thing to know. You should practise driving up to a buoy at different speeds and in different weather conditions and do several exercises like this, with a little patience and a bit of practise, you can maximise the safety of your boat and your boat handling skills! You can also research some boat handling techniques on the 'web' and practise those to!

A RIB Out On The Water - The RIB is one of the best boats for handling in the world, copes very good when boating in rough water. 

There are also many boat handling courses you can take for extra help with your handling skills and progressing as a boater. I highly recommend taking your Power Boat Level 2, whatever your skill level. This course will ensure you know the skills you need to know, and is just a good thing to do for a small price, the skills you learn now will stay with you for the rest of your life! 

How To Trim A Boat 

Trimming a boat is a great thing, i use it a lot! Not only can it speed a boat up and give a boat stabilty, but also improve marine engine fuel consumption and boat fuel efficiency! Trimming a boat motor; When on a flat sea, have your boat trim to around 60% this lowers boat fuel consumption and gives you an extra bit of speed, as the nose of the boat is up in the air and there is less resistance between the hull of the boat and the water.

Boat Trimming 

But, on the other hand when the sea is rough have your boat trim right down for maximum stability and handling in the rough waves. 

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