Safety Equipment For Boating I Take To Sea For Maximum Sea Safety And for Safe Boating.

So I've already written a Boat Checklist. "Why tell what boat safety equipment you take to sea?" your thinking, well, i take safety at sea very seriously, as i know how dangerous and life threatening it can be, and how quick the conditions can change. So i just wanted to show and tell you what boat safety equipment i take to sea and recommend. I am not trying to sell you anything with these  reviews of safety equipment for boating.

I recommend taking all of the safety boat equipment listed below  for maximum safe boating and offshore safety! I understand how expensive some marine safety items can be... but in the end, it could save your life! Power boat safety is such a big problem and it should be at the top of your priority list!  Most, if not all, of the safety boat equipment listed below is also in my boat checklist. 

So, Here's my maritime list of safety boat equipment i take to sea, and what i would recommend you take to. 

Marine Vhf Radio's 

I carry Two Marine Vhf Radio's; A handheld and a built in radio, that is connect to my Built in GPS system. These are very important marine safety items that can maximise your powerboat safety very much!

Garmin Marine GPS And Handheld GPS

Again i carry two Marine GPS' then if one doesn't work and fails me, i have a spare. The built in Garmin GPS is connected to my built in radio, this means with the puss of a button (the "Distress" button) i can send out a distress call to the coastguard with my position and i am registered with the coastguard, so they will know who i am, and the details of my boat.  

PLB Or Epirb 

Epirb's are a brilliant piece of water safety equipment and a great leap in the technology of communication marine and safety equipment for boating. Although they can be very expensive, if you are traveling a lot or traveling a long way on your vessel they are well worth the money! You simply press a button and it sends a message (distress message) to the coast guard with your position and other vital information with marine distress calls, this alerts the coastguard to your distress and urgent need of attention.


Marine Life Jackets 

Good boat lifejackets can almost certainly save your life at sea! A good pfd life vest (lifejacket) can set you back at-least £100 up to around £250 but you have to look at it as "what is my life worth?" and Im sure the figure that comes to mind is much higher than £150 for a good, quality pfd life vest, they are a necessary item of equipment, and are in the boating regulations - "each person on board should have a lifejacket" its a simple as that, but i also like to carry a few extra spare marine lifejackets, just incase.


Marine Flares - Inshore Safety Flare Pack 

You just can't say you have safety boat equipment onboard a boat if you don't have flares, they are one the most important pieces of boat safety equipment needed, after a vhf radio and GPS! Do not go to sea with out them, how ever far or little you are going out to sea! Flares are an important part of sea safety, do not forget them!

Marine First Aid Kit 

First aid kits are also another necessary piece of kit, it is surprising how many vessels don't have marine first aid kits and how easy it is to forget about them. First aid kits are vital for safe boating. 

Old Spare Pay As You Go Mobile Phone 

A spare phone is good - it can be any phone as long as it works and is charged. Put a pay as you go sim in with just a £5-10 credit and your set. You should carry a marine vhf radio, but a mobile is a good SPARE to have just incase! 

Laminated Sheet - One Side Distress Radio Procedure, Other Side, A Maritime Checklist 

 Just a typed up list (just like the list i have made for you, on the Boating Safety Gear Checklist Page) and a radio distress procedure thats been printed of and laminated to keep saw and dry from spray. Very handy if someone who has had no training comes aboard and needs to make the call. This personal marine safety item is not in my boat safety equipment maritime list. 



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Anchor - Claw Anchor 

A good anchor is like part of the boat, you invest in a boat you invest in an anchor, its just one of those marine safety items you just cant leave behind. Anchors are used very regularly and you should know how to use them. You can have any anchor you want, it doesn't have to be a claw anchor but thats what i would recommend in most cases of boating. 


Sea Drogue 

A marine sea drogue or marine sea anchor is not necessary but highly recommended, especially if you plan to travel long distance or go off-shore! These pieces of water safety equipment, if deployed properly and quickly can increase your offshore safety quite dramatically.


Small Marine Fire Extinguisher 

A good fire extinguisher is a necessary item of yacht gear and boating safety equipment! Every single boat on the water should carry at least one marine fire extinguisher. 

Throw Line And Horse Shoe 

Throw line and horse shoe, every boat needs a throw line! You never know when somebody may fall off the vessel and need rescuing. They are also very cheap to buy or you could even just us a bundle of rope with a knot on the end.

Gecko Helmets 

Gecko Helmets are a brilliant item of powerboat equipment, a brilliant maritime piece that is super in many ways - they mainly keep your head safe and stops you from banging it of anything etc, but also reflects the spray from off your face with the vizor and keeps your head quite warm.

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